SFE Library
Welcome to the Sol Feinstone Elementary School Library and Distance Learning Resource Center.
Keith Crowell -Librarian - Kcrowell@crsd.org
Ann Silvi - Library/Media Specialist-Asilvi@crsd.org
Library Policies - Borrowing Privileges
- Books or materials may be borrowed for one week and may be renewed for three additional weeks.
- If a child has all his or her borrowed books overdue, he or she may not borrow additional materials.
- We do limit popular titles to one per child ( examples: Waldo, I Spy, the Bone series)
Number of Materials a Student May Borrow for Pleasure Reading Kindergarten: 1 First Grade: 2 Second Grade: 2 Third Grade-Sixth Grade: 3 Should a child need additional materials because of a project, they may borrow additional materials. Students may visit the library to return or borrow addtional books on days other than their library day with their teacher's permission.
Looking for a book to read? Check out our E-Book selection by clicking on the link below
Login-Student I.D. or Lunch Number
Password- CRSD Password
Happy Reading! Would you like a Bucks County Library Card? Click on the Link below to sign up for a Bucks county Library CardThe Hour of Code!!
Click on the CODE picture below to access the Hour of Code website.
Here are some coding websites beyond the hour of Code
- https://blockly-games.appspot.com/?lang=en
- https://scratch.mit.edu/
- https://code.org/learn also on the main library page.
- http://www.alice.org/