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 Articulation refers to speech sound production. Below is a developmental guideline for speech sounds. 


Developmental Guidelines for Speech Sounds

By Age (in Years)

Speech Sounds


p, b, k, g, t, d, m, n, h, w, f, y


ng, v, r (in the beginning of words only), l


s, z, sh, ch, th, j, zh, vocalic r (r in the middle and end of words)

If you notice that your child is not producing age appropriate speech sounds and you feel that their speech is impacting their educational performance, please request a speech screening. You can either speak to your child's classroom teacher or send us an email with your speech articulation concerns. 

Speech therapy, for articulation support, goes through the steps of teaching the target sound in isolation, syllables, words, sentences, stories, conversation and finally generalizing the target sound in all contexts of language. We encourage all of our students to know which level they are working at and which sounds they are working on.

Image result for articulation

When learning to improve upon articulation skills, it is very important to practice as often as possible.  We highly suggest finding time within your daily routines to incorporate sound practice.  At home, your child can practice in the mirror after brushing their teeth, or while reading aloud to you, or while telling you a story from their day. Students also have fun recording on a device with a camera and then playing it back to see if their words looked and sounded accurate.  At school, we encourage children and their classroom teachers to remind children to use their best sounds when reading aloud or when asking and answering quetions in class. 


When students practice, they should pay attention to 3 things


1. Did it sound right?

2. Did it feel right?

3. Did it look right?